May 2022
It’s now high time to dust down your trainers and get outside in the fresh air! In the spirit of the motto “Spring it on” we are getting together on Monday, 23 May to jog around the site alongside the banks of the Limmat.
Date and time: Monday, 23 May 2022, meeting place at 12.00 pm
Meeting place: Maagplatz
- Joint warm-up until 12:10 pm
- CUBUS group: until the 3rd bridge (approx. 4 km)
- PRIME TOWER group: until Werdinsel (approx. 8 km)
By Monday, 23 May 2022 at 11:30 am at the latest by email to stating group PRIME TOWER or CUBUS
We hope lots of you register and we look forward to meeting you in person!